
Sunday, 17 May 2015

Music and therapy for the blind

Music and therapy for the blind

Benefits of music in blind children
So great is the joy that music man! Le uplifting, gives self-confidence, he rejoices, it allows you to be yourself so you feel as able to advance in the long path of life.

The work with the blind, deaf and mentally retarded children from music therapy involves addressing specific aspects to be developed; These include: attention, concentration, location, spatial orientation, balance, body scheme, literalness, hearing, memory and socialization through creative educational techniques tailored to the reality and needs of children themselves. The school should be a place of pleasurable learning.
The blind child can use the space freely, without fear of encountering an obstacle; this will help you to form a mental concept of the body in relation to the elements and the people in your environment producing a physical integration.
Music can meet many of the emotional, intellectual and social needs of the blind child, which will provide stability for progressively acquiring adulthood.
The purpose of education is to give the blind child as many contacts as possible with their environment, creating in him a sense of space and distance using adaptable and appropriate movements. The teacher will have to adapt their methodological techniques, teach the child to integrate auditory, tactile and kinesthetic experiences, and memorize without any visual aid; in addition it will provide understanding, trust and security.
Very important it is for teachers to find the starting point and balance in their educational work. With blind children's education should be as natural to convey to students the serenity to facilitate significant openings for their future life. Everything good that the blind child to get will widely promote compact development and growth.
Recommended exercises
1. Form a large circle with the students. The teacher is at the center as a guide, takes her hand to go blind student doing right, left swapping positions.
2. The teacher at the center of the circle with the blind student, takes back with one hand, then takes you back to before inserting.
3. The teacher stands in front of the blind child, performs various body movements is explored and imitated by the child.

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