
Monday, 8 August 2016

Music therapy: the power of music in treatments with children

Music therapy: the power of music in treatments with children

Health professionals increasingly more choose to music therapy for the treatment of children
One of the major challenges that confront health professionals, is dealing with children. Its smallness, his frail body as well as your pain so deep touches even the most experienced doctor. And even if it is small with serious problems such as cancer or brain disorders. The truth is that health professionals, found in music a great ally to learn to treat them. Relaxation causes them, as well as the desire to sing and express themselves, guarantee an effective aid in their treatments.
In Unit of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (UHOP) HM Montepríncipe, Camino Bengoechea is common that children are treated with music. There the doctors and nurses who work with sick children find an alternative therapy that helps children to recreation, guaranteeing a better relationship with yourself. Doctors found that those who enjoyed singing instruments or managed to be better physically and emotionally. Something that is extremely important to treat cancer.

Music therapy not only helps the relationship with themselves but also with others. The fact compose, recite, sing, play an instrument or simply allows patients to communicate what happens. Not only they release their fears and oppressions but also achieve their loved ones understand what happens. Without using words, children find in music the key partner for recovery.

Professionals say that the music itself is no cure, but in humans generates a single through which feeling can heal their wounds. The positive effects generated and the ability to accelerate healing processes makes increasingly health professionals choose it for their treatments. In sectors such as psychology or psychiatry, pediatrics and oncology, music is already part of the treatments.

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