
Sunday, 18 October 2015

Decalogue of how to be an excellent music teacher

Decalogue of how to be an excellent music teacher

While a "teacher" is the person who exercises and teaches a profession or art; not all people who usually do have full training with excellence, wisdom, vocation and education necessary to fulfill these functions.
Not enough to have "good intentions" and a simplistic and low quality as there are hundreds conformity; You must have a programming approaches and methodological studies; cultivation and increasing work in his metier and duties and obligations to the students, respecting their time and investment they make in search of a great orientation that very rarely is reached as it should be.
What are the responsibilities of the teacher?
1) You must fight incomprehension and obstacles of all kinds that are in your work besides fulfilling a didactic function with deep knowledge of cause and height as required by the circumstances facing the learner and his or her grade on the instrument.
2) Must be achieved with continuous and ongoing study to be fit and up with their techniques to apply and explain tasks.
3) You must know and note that when the student receives "has not finished his studies" but recently it's getting up and you will need at least 5-8 years of advanced studies to talk and perform with property and fully in their teaching and active functions. Noting that: no professional stops studying to be received, as it should deepen their knowledge and continue the study of those already known.
It is clear that even two or three years of graduate study reach to know all that is missing to know and you cannot stop it, because they are works of paramount importance, and therefore, the study may never stop, and this It refers to important works from the musical point of view, as those that relate primarily to the development of both technique.

4) must be applied "teaching" with "decency"; not only charge a monthly fee to their students and give them the minimum, applying the law of "minimal effort", the "can not" or "I have not played for years", or similar paparruchada mediocre.
5) You must cultivate the student's musical instinct; the sense of loudness; generally neglected or ignored, as a good technique is not one that allows the touch quickly and accurately, but that; also it allows the instrument to sound in different ways and with quality.
6) It must be a serious professional, and not in series. Must be a cultural manager, as culture and entertainment now occupy first place in the globalized world in which we live; ... and it is assumed that what he teaches precisely is culture; but not any way that acculturation, because producing culture is not only write a piece of music, paint a picture or write a book; also have their own tools excellent know-how acquired studies and dump the maximum contribution to knowledge and those who initiated the way, and generally do not have the correct and proper deep and serious career guidance.
7) must build better; He is sought and giving himself time to continue to build its own building to house those who come to him seeking light and sound knowledge.
8) Must be highly competitive; have superior graduate studies; impact and projection internationally; have talent and muscle to exercise as much as; and to walk freely around the parapets of their subject. It must also be thorough; tough tightrope between yesterday and today; imitative and expressions have between the times of yesterday, of today and the future, between the region and the world.
9) Should the development, design and implementation; and create opportunities to promote creative and artistic activity. It will be an important factor and key to the actual development of the human material that comes into their hands. It must demand increasingly excellence; a professional attitude but in fact the student has not arrived in time to detail; rigor in meeting the goals set by the students themselves; responsibility and creativity in them.
10) must support and enable students to venture into the unknown; to seek and find joy; no skimping their knowledge; You should lavish them to "truly deserving" because of the excellent training future professionals and artists is so valuable for the development of a community and a country.
For these reasons: If you, distinguished (a) colleague is unable to sit daily when dictates its classes in front of the instrument, to apply their students a passage, fingering a pedalización, phrasing or anything else, in any year ; DO NOT exercise their profession and under: exercise HALF! It is misleading because students and letting them waste their time, and time is money!
Do not abuse the good faith and ignorance on the subject may have both parents and students; it cannot be confused with stupidity ingenuity, for this is quite simply a scam, and that is shameful and indefensible.
Every professional must conduct and driving with discretion, honesty and wisdom.
We must weed and root out weeds garden art, to see grow roses decked our lives tomorrow.

Carlos Jorge Lapenne

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