
Saturday, 2 January 2016

The importance of music

The importance of music
The music is incredible. Calm a crying baby. Captures the attention of any child. Provides opportunities for even very young to communicate with an adult long before they can talk. Encourages babies to look and listen. But above all, it is fun.

You will share with his son his first musical moments since lulls, sings or use a soft musical tone to calm him or contact him. Load it in a position where she can study her face and entertain with simple rhymes while rocking and snuggles. Tap your toes and hands while singing softly or move the baby's arms to the beat of the tune.

As your baby becomes more responsiveness, pause so that he can make sounds in the silence you do and then begin a simple "baby talk" repeating the sounds he makes. You will be surprised while being able to keep doing this and is an invaluable resource for learning communication skills that need to develop your child later step.

Older infants and children aged 1-3 years, you can hold them and sing while you dance and march to the beat of the music. From an early age, teach a wide variety of music from around the world, whether recorded or using your own voice and rhythm.

Look rhymes that teach your child about the world, such as body parts, counting skills, simple position words like "up" and "down". In general, words are easier to learn when they are linked to actions and movements.

Try music and rhythms that reflect different moods during the day; soft music for times when you need reassurance and fast music when you need to do something or move. Try not to have music or television all the time, or the child will soon learn to ignore them.

All simply we improve our singing more singing. Your child will love what you do, no matter how good or how bad you think you can sing! Rapping, singing and spoken rhymes serves both to get their attention, to amuse him. Whatever you do, try to do with energy and confidence, keeping the fun experience for both.

Look for opportunities to be in contact with other parents and children to share music together. This allows the child used to share the fun with a social group, long before preschool. The music attracts all ages, making it ideal for sharing in family groups activity.

Since music is so nice and flashy, children can develop all kinds of skills through it. For example, the musical approaches are especially useful for children who need an extra boost in their general language learning or development. They also provide a "medium" for communication, even if a child can not use language.

For children who are not as babies, try to use or make simple percussion instruments to stir (maracas), hitting (drums) and scratching (ropes). Let them experiment with sounds and participate in musical games of this web site.

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