
Monday, 9 May 2016

Musictherapy and depression

Musictherapy and depression
A study by Finnish specialists with 79 people, and has been published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, showed that patients with depression achieved greater improvement with music therapy treatments than those receiving standard treatments.
The use of nonverbal language, work with music ... help express emotions that patients with this condition, it is very difficult to express.
Professor Christian Gold of the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland) said: "Our research has shown that when music therapy added to standard treatments helps improve levels of anxiety and depression."
Dr. Mike Crawford, mental health specialist at Imperial College London said: "The results suggest that this may improve mood and overall functioning form of depression sufferers"
Now that the northern hemisphere autumn has come to us, we will also reach health problems that can cause the station, colds, flus ... but also, for many people, depression and altered mood. So ... what can we do to stop putting our serotonin and combat decay ?. Music ... music ... always you can help a lot.

Music..... as mentioned in many other articles, influences the respiratory rate, blood pressure, stomach contractions in heart rhythms ... The music therapy can have a healing effect because they can relieve us distress, the fears, anxiety, ... to provide relaxation, wellness, tranquility. For all those who are suffering these changes, we encourage you to choose us here q music therapy sessions. It will help.And as a curiosity: do you know that it is said that Philip V of Spain was cured of severe depression through music? The story is as follows: Carlo Broschi (1705-1782), known as Farinelli, the famous Italian castrato by the uniqueness of his voice, able to cover more than three and a half octaves and sing over 250 notes in a single breath, he retired with 32 years of the scene to sing exclusively for King Philip V of Spain, who suffered a serious depression. Historians say that when Farinelli gave, by order of Queen Elizabeth, a concert in the room adjacent to Philip V, he immediately reacted to the song and in the second act call Farinelli and asked the castrato how could reward the good commanded caused . The recovery of Felipe V was immediate and Farinelle, who remained in his service for decades, was considered responsible for healing, thanks to his music and his voice.

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