
Sunday, 28 February 2016

What do the musicians in the head?

What do the musicians in the head?

For years, we know that music produces some obvious effects on people. It is a stimulus that enhances sensory, cognitive and motor processes; and also it encourages creativity. Therefore, in recent years, he began to use music with a therapeutic function to cure certain disease states. Also it is introduced in the education of children, since it represents a great importance in the intellectual, auditory, sensory, speech and motor development of children. These are small recent examples of the great importance that music exerts upon us, since it is essential to realize the full potential of the brain.

The brains of musicians
Music, playing music or creating music, requires great mental strength; so much so that virtually no other skill that requires much brain activity. It is a combination of tasks. The musicians read the notes, feel the keys, move the fingers and listen to what they are playing. Everything at the same time!
American neuroscientists discovered that the brains of musicians was made for this job; because some areas are larger than normal. One is the cerebellum, where neurons are concentrated more than in the rest of the whole brain. This small organ works harder and faster than any other part of the brain as it combines the movements of thousands of muscle fibers throughout the body. For this reason, a larger cerebellum, may be better.
Another area that is larger in musicians is the corpus callosum, a series of nerve fibers that serve as a communication between a cerebral hemisphere and another; so that both sides of the brain work together. This is critical in the pianists, who need to perfectly synchronize the movements of the left and right hand. If we consider that can play 30 notes per second ... They need their two hemispheres work in harmony, which is made possible by the corpus callosum. Therefore, a larger corpus callosum, contains more nerve fibers, so signals can travel back and forth and speed up communication.

But ... well they born or develop?
Studies in brains of musicians have found that different parts of their brains are larger than usual. But to know if it is the brain that shapes the music or is the music that shapes the brain, they have studied 50 children in order to find in them the basics of brain talent before their education. They kept track of these children from the time they started learning an instrument. Every year children put to the test, checking your skill and intelligence. After their brains scanned and found that after one year had changed their brains. The areas responsible for hearing and analysis of music are most active in children who play an instrument than children who do not. This is due to the adaptability of the brain; and everyone who is born in a suitable environment, you can become an excellent musician. But ... it comes down to practice? Researchers believe not. They believe that children with musical talent are born with structurally different brains. An example that has surprised neuroscientists in the case of small pianist Marc Yu. Listen to it yourselves! Do not wasted!

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